Oganes Arustamov

My dream is...

to change the musical world by helping to return to classical music as a free art form.

At the same time, music has always been and will always be a high art that allows expressing what other arts cannot fully express: the most refined human emotions, moods, atmosphere, a portrait of a personality…

The goal is that a classical music concert would be as popular and well attended as any popular performance, and valued much more than generally in our time, so that the status quo of a musician could be changed from the lowest-paid and endangered profession to one in true demand.

Unfortunately, in order to become someone, you must not only play flawlessly, but also think according to established stereotypes, while introducing minor touches that will still distinguish one musician from others like her or him. And only after that you might allow yourself minor liberties, while shaking off the fear of being condemned by critics and colleagues, because if you depart from the manner they are accustomed to – they will cut off the oxygen.

My goal is therefore...

…to raise generations of students with their own individual style of performance, who will be able to perform internationally, win competitions and, being popular musicians, are to change a suffocating system of stereotypes in the interpretation of musical works.

View further performances by Oganes Arustamov in the Bio page.